“In avoiding all pain and seeking comfort at all cost, we may be left without intimacy or compassion; in rejecting change and risk we often cheat ourselves of the quest; in denying our suffering we may never know our strength or our greatness.”
― Rachel Naomi Remen, Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that heal.
"I don’t know where to go from here. I never feel at ease or joy. I never feel enough no matter what I do. I just feel anxiety or nothing."
You are not alone.
I imagine that there is a part of you that feels compelled to work hard for your worth. If you do just one more thing maybe you can rest and be at ease, but it never stops and you are EXHAUSTED.
You might not get why, you are suspecting that there might be something wrong with you. You might feel like you have everything you need, but you are still disappointed in life. There is probably a chronic sense of emptiness, that you have tried to fill with other things, like food, relationships or alcohol.
Most likely you have been exposed to other’s expectations about who and how you should be. When you look back it might have seemed like you had what you needed, practically, but emotionally there was a void, or an emptiness and you had to manage most emotions on your own. You had to manage on your own and it all turned inwards. Where else was it suppose to go?
Untangling ourselves from the intricate web of not-enoughness, inadequacy, and persistent anxiety and depression is an incredibly challenging journey—one that is difficult to navigate alone.
Why is that?
Admitting you need help can be the last thing on your mind when you are used to managing your internal world all on your own. There might even be shame around needing someone else, and deep fear about letting someone into your vulnerability, because you are not used to have a safe other person with you. But, In this moment, you are not able to contain it anymore, and it feels overwhelming and you feel like you are a mess, it is manifesting in your body with a tight stomach, discomfort in your throat and chest.
You might be replaying conversations in your head, silently criticising yourself for simply being who you are. Sometimes you make a go for it, you workout, you step away from social media, you eat well and you do the “right” thing, only to wake up the next day trapped in the same self-defeating patterns.
You might be thinking that: ”If I could just _____, then everything would be better."
Despite the continuous effort and painful self-beliefs, joy and ease remains elusive. The constant striving to be better and different leaves you feeling anxious and exhausted. Maybe you even wondered whether you are truly enough for your own life and the lives of those around you.
I need you to know, that you have always been enough, there is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing to fix! You are not fundamentally broken, and there's no need to exhaust yourself covering it up.
If you have come here because your challenges seems to be getting more intense, rather than diminish, it can be scary. But I want you to know: I can help. Together, we'll navigate through all these these parts, not-enoughness, anxiety, depression, and inadequacy in your inner community.
Slowly, you will realise that you already had all the goodness inside of you that you needed and that you will start to embrace your perfectly imperfect self along the way.